Wednesday, October 6, 2010

I mamash feel for all of you. It's so not fair what Hashem had done! I was just yesterday when I would go with Esty to do the hospital visitations in Albany, or when she would come over to learn with us and teach us a sicha, and bring some Beis Rivka inspiration to us.

She was so real, always trying to be the best person possible, in a very quiet and tznius way. She had no "air" to her, very humble and aidle. She never talked about herself like most girls do.

How could Hashem have done this? She has a bunch of little kids and a newborn baby that needs her, and how is Mendel going to run the school without her!? I don't understand Hashem at all, but we must daven ever so hard for Moshiach! Ad Mosai!!!!!

Miriam Rav-Noy

1 comment:

  1. I had the privilege of knowing Esty in Melbourne, Australia. The memory of her calm, modest yet determined personality fills my mind. I was struck by how calmly she managed her young family and home and how tzniusdik she was in speech, dress, and manner. She was completely devoted to giving her children the best possible Chinuch. She would go to great lengths to make sure that they would not be influenced by any secular matters both in school and out. I am inspired by her to strenghen my own committment to Chinuch, Shlichus and Tznius.

    May Hashem have Rachmonos on her amazing husband, beautiful children, and all of us, and reveal Moshiach in the world immediately!
